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Friday, December 07, 2007

CNN's Cafferty File.....

The comments sent by me to one of the question posted by Jack Cafferty in Cafferty File section of Situation Room on CNN got published (and I think was also read on CNN, I missed it so I'm not sure about it).

Read the comments sent by me on Cafferty File

It is the second to last comment on the page.


  • Congrats! u r right, employers are always in search of cheap labour to cut production costs and maximise profits.

    By Blogger Cyberkitty, at 12/11/2007 6:17 AM  

  • u r tagged!

    By Blogger How do we know, at 12/11/2007 8:45 AM  

  • We think you people do cut Clinton down all the time,its just not right how you people do this.....Now we go to Fox News....I bet you dont put this on the air....Orton and Lu Peterson. Cookeville Tn.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/27/2008 5:28 PM  

  • Jack,
    Here is something i never here mentioned how many democrates get disenfranchised from voting by causacas because of being unable to attend. Everyone should vote the same day. I see why Flordia, Mchigan moved theres up so it would count ha, ha,I dont like 60% of the states get to elect who gets elected because by the time we vote in Indiana in May it will already be decided.
    Steve in Universal

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/29/2008 5:28 PM  

  • You would think Obama is the second coming the way the media is carrying on. Everytime you mention Sen. Clinton it is negative. It's either about her husband or anything else you can dream up.
    How about giving the same media time about this friend and business assioate in Chicago that was given the Clinton's about Whitewater. If one word is said neg. about Obama everyone yells raceist!!!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/03/2008 6:28 PM  

  • I am a 56 year old woman from SC, and I have never voted in my life. But I will this year, because I hope my vote will put Obama in the White House. Clinton ougth to be ashamed of herself. Obama has not said anything about White Water...Monica ... I don't want a woman, especially a Clinton running our country.GO OBAMA

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/03/2008 6:47 PM  

  • Hello Jack

    Obama are trying to deal with what is going on with the economy but Mrs clinton are been so patty and negative it was one time will would have vote for her right now I will vote for Mccain now before I vote for here how much i hate to put another Repubic back into the office matter of fact I tape her name with a small C because of no respact I'M a Black Man but the clints have lost respact.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 5:39 PM  

  • Hello Jack

    Obama are trying to deal with what is going on with the economy but Mrs clinton Have been so patty and negative it was one time will would have vote for her right now I will vote for McCain now before I vote for her how much i hate to put another Republic back into the office matter of fact I type her name with a small C because of no respact I'M a Black Man but the clints have lost respact. And she is a Lier.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 5:47 PM  

  • The Senator Obama/Rev Wright relationship has changed because value systems are no longer what they perceived them to be and this happens often to all of us at some time with our friends.
    It is far more serious for Senator Clinton who represent thousands of other citizens not to research the Iraq attack plan responsibly before she voted for Bush's i illegal immoral war which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and r loss of our credibility in the wolrld. We are bankrupt economically and morally because of the members of Congress failure to do their own research and vote responsibly for their constituents.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/02/2008 7:40 PM  

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