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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dukh Sukh........

Two store owners had their stores next to one another. One store owner, Gurmukh used to close his shop early and go to see Guru Nanak Dev ji. The other store owner, Manmukh asked Gurmukh that why you close your shop early he said he goes to see Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Manmukh also started closing his store early but instead started going to gamble house. Both kept on going to their places.

One day Manmukh and Gurmukh agreed upon a place to meet after visiting their places, so that they can go to their homes together. Manmukh came to meeting place early because the doors to gamble house were locked. He found golden ring lying by the pile of ashes. He was very happy. Gurmukh was on his way to the meeting place and thorn (kanda) punctured his foot. So he was in pain and came to a meeting place limping and bleeding. Manmukh told Gurmukh that he used to go to gamble and do all sorts of bad things and found a golden ring but you used to go to good places and be in the company of holy and still are in pain. Gurmukh told Manmukh there may be something behind this and asked him to go to see Guru Nanak Dev Ji next day. Both asked Guru Ji why it happened like this. Guru ji asked " Do you know what you did in the past life?" Both said no. Guru you told Manmukh, you donated golden ring in the past life and in this life you were going to get many golden rings but every day you used to go to gamble house and do bad things, the golden rings turned into ashes. The one golden ring is left because you could not go to that place on the last day. Guru Ji told Gurmukh, you were supposed to be hanged but because you started coming to sadh sangat, hanging has changed to mere pain of a thorn.

Dukh and Sukh in our present life are the result of deeds done in our previous lives. Gurbani says on 1030 "Sukh dukh purab janam kay kiye, so jane jin datay diye. Kis tu dosh deh tu parani suh apna kiya karaa hai". We can reduce the pains and sufferings of this life by devoting time toward WaheGuru (Naam Japna, Paath, Keertan, doing good deeds etc.). This will neutralize the effects of bad deeds done in the previous lives. All should devote at least 2.5 hours daily for Nitnem and all the time say WaheGuru in your mind. Repeating WaheGuru WaheGuru ..... WaheGuru is the most powerful way especially at Amrit vela. Keep doing that everyday without any break, not only your this life will be better but you will reap the benefits after this life also.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shalok Bhagat Kabeer jee kay....

Here Bhagat Kabeer jee describes what his state of mind came to while watching the end of life...

Shalok Bhagat Kabeer jee kay....

Here Bhagat Kabeer jee talks about difference between doing good deeds vs. carrying the load of misdeeds while ferrying across this ocean of life in this world....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Janam Baba Fateh Singh jee (Dec 12,1699)

Baba Fateh Singh (1699-1705), the youngest of Guru Gobind Singh jee's four Sahibzadas, was born to Mata Jito ji (also known as Mata Sundari ji) at Anandpur on 12 December 1699. After the death of his mother, on 5 December 1700, he was brought up under the care of his grandmother, Mata Gujari Kaur ji, with whom he remained till the last.

On 26 December 1705, he was martyred at Sirhind along with his elder brother, Zorawar Singh. He is probably the youngest recorded martyr in history who knowingly laid down his life at the very tender age. Sahibzada Fateh Singh and his older brother, Sahibzada Zorawar Singh are among the most hallowed martyrs in Sikhism.

A combination of Mughals and hillmen besieged Anandpur Sahib on the orders of emperor Aurangzeb. The stock of food in the town ran out. The Mughals promised to leave the Sikhs alone if they would hand over the fortress of Anandpur. To this Guru Gobind Singh jee agreed and left the town with his family and a small band of retainers.

They had not gone very far when the Mughals, breaking their promise, came after them. Guru Gobind Singh jee entrusted his two younger sons, Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh as well as his mother, Mata Gujri, to the care of a cook in his household named Gangu.

Gangu brought Mata Gujri and the two Sahibzadas to his native village of Sahedi. Bribed by the Mughals, he turned in the three members of Guru Gobind Singh jee's family. They were then brought to Sirhind in the presence of Wazir Khan, the Nawab of Sirhind.

The two sons of Guru Gobind Singh jee, Zorawar (9 years old) and Fateh (6 years old) were offered safe passage if they became Muslims. With a courage that belied their years, both boys refused to do so.

Wazir Khan sentenced them to death. They were bricked alive. The place where the two sons of Guru Gobind Singh jee were bricked alive is today known as Fatehgarh Sahib

Although he did not know it then, but Wazir Khan was to pay for the crime that he had committed. After Guru Gobind jee's Jyoti Jyot (departure from this world), Madhodas Bairagi, a hermit from Nanded, whom the Guru baptised as Banda Bahadur, besieged the Punjab. After laying waste, the cities of Samana and Sandhaura, he moved towards Sirhind and after defeating the Mughal forces, killed Wazir Khan.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Inder Ghagga loses debates to Panthic Singhs in Toronto.....

(Top) Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji of Toronto debating with Inder S. Ghagga (Bottom - center)

In the past few years, the public has seen an assortment of anti-Gurmat literature being produced by various individuals promoting Kala-Afghana/missionary lobby viewpoints. In their message, they viciously attack the very fundamentals that set the Sikh Panth apart for other faiths. Instead of utilizing sound logic and Gurbani as a basis of their arguments they often resort to ridicule and sarcasm in a sign of desperation and lack of confidence.

Click here to read the complete story.....

Monday, December 04, 2006

[PART 1] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 1] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 2] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 2] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 3] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 3] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 4] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 4] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 5] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 5] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 6] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga

[PART 6] Gurbani Debate : Bhai Kulbir Singh of Toronto and Inder S. Ghagga